Saturday, November 21, 2015


Gratitude is something of which none of us can give too much.  For on the smiles, the thanks we give, our little gestures of appreciation, our neighbors build their philosophy of life.” ~ A. J. Cronin - 

The holidays are approaching, and everyone is beginning to be come lighthearted, even in the midst of the tragedies that have been affecting people in various countries. Lovers hold hand, gaze a little longer, seasoned relationships bask in the memories of the wonderful years together that have past and the hope of many more to come.

 Holiday music fill the malls, and restaurants...there is a peaceful note that lingers. Houses of Worship welcome the faithful , the curious, the unfulfilled, the hopeful.  Strangers smile as they pass one another, children dream of gifts, sweets, gifts, no school, gifts. 

But there are many that cannot find a reason to smile, rejoice, celebrate or have hope. Many are alone, chronically or terminally ill, depressed, heartbroken, homeless, helpless. Remembering them in prayers is very thoughtful, however remembering them in deeds is  also a wonderful and tangible option. 

That person who has no family, stop by, a conversation and smile only costs time. Visit someone that is shut in, encourage a group of co-workers, friends, or  acquaintances to make a small sacrifice and consider putting together some small care packages for the undeserved. A shoe box filled with toiletries, or  a book or socks or even a warm hat or blanket is something that children and adults can enjoy. Lets put more value on what really matters.

Volunteer, there is always someone that can use your services, take the children to a homeless shelter and let them help others that are not blessed to have their own home. Imagine how many people are in assisted living or nursing homes who have nothing but memories of past holidays with family and friends. A card, homemade treat, smile and friendly face can  make a difference.

Be grateful for the blessings you have and be sure to let those you treasure know how grateful you are to have them in your life. Find a way at least once a week to show your gratitude and share the gift of yourself.